Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Grayson Funnies

This morning...
(Grayson is screaming for us to come get him out of his crib)
"Daddy!!! Get me out!!!! Daddy! I'm not a bad guy! I'm a good guy! So PLEASE get me out!!"

Later that morning at breakfast...
(Grayson is blessing the food)
"Please bless this food, please bless daddy so that he can stop me from hollering in the morning in my crib. And please bless me so that the spider won't eat my car."
WTH? (heck)

Later that evening while playing in the water in the backyard...
(I am spraying him with the water hose)
"No Mommy!!! NO!" gurgle gurgle "Baaaaddd Mommy. Baaaaaddd Mommy! Go to your room!"

Monday, June 22, 2009

I think I just peed on myself a little bit...

I just about DIED when I watched this! I laughed so hard I could not breathe. His mom just cancelled his World of Warcraft account. Just watch for the part when he beats his chest...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Let me first start by saying every grade prior to mine in elementary school got to attend Space Camp in Huntsville. When I got to that point, they decided to not go that year. I was devastated and still am to this day. Well, last weekend, my mom fulfilled one of my dreams, and that was to go to this awesome space center. I still did not get to attend a full blown space camp, however, it was still a blast! Grayson and Hartley loved going to the "rocket house".

We saw oddly freaky headless spacemen...


We got to climb in a space ship (Hart was not having it!)...

Conversed with spacemen...

And took a much deserved break in front of the HUMONGOUS rocket outside. I had no idea these things were that big. I think I loved it more than the kids!

Tonka Tuff!!!

Oh, I just love my little boys...

Since my brother won't pose...

My name is Grayson and I love basketball, candy, and being bribed with said loves to take photos for my mom. Please feast your eyes upon my cuteness

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

I tell you what, I lucked up with Hartley. This child LOVES to sleep. Up until a couple months ago, he slept from 5 at night until 6 or 7 in the morning. I have tried to keep him up lately so that he and Gray can have the same bedtime. So now he goes to bed at 6:30 or 7 and will sometimes sleep until 9 in the morning! All he needs is his puppy puppy and a paci and he is ready to go.