Tuesday, July 14, 2009

T minus 2 hours and 37 till I see Harry Potter!!!!

Some friends and I are going to see Harry Potter at 12:03 tonight!!! I am soooooo excited!


Long ago, we bought a fishing rod, some bait, and various other essentials to make use of our beautiful lakes here in our neighborhood. Since then, Grayson has asked us 13,872 times to take him fishing. Every single time we passed by the lake, he would ask me "Mommy, when is Daddy going to take me fishing?" I would then say, "Soon. You will have to ask Daddy." Well, he asked and asked and I finally told Brad, that if Grayson asked me one more time to go fishing, I was going to internally combust, and that he needed to take him A.S.A.P. So finally "soon" came and we took the boys fishing.

I have more pics and will add them later, but they are on Brad's phone and Brad is at my spades arch mimesis's house. We'll get you back Jason!! If it's the last thing we do!!!

The 4th...

We had a good ole time this past independence day. We and some friends went to the creek, cooked out, and watched fireworks on a hill top from the back of our vans. It was pretty awesome!

iPhone pic alert!!! Not the best quality!!!

Look at that gangster "smile". All he needs is his gold grill. I telling you, I'm going to hurt the next person who says "say cheese". Grrrrrr!!!

Brotherly Love

I know it's been forever since updating this blog, so here is a cute brotherly love moment to tide you over until I start bloggin like I'm supposed to.